Author: Josh
A lot of mail, government-sponsored genital mutilating microwave attacks, and some cooking – live from Serbia.
Illegal in the Philippines
Committing cyberslaunder, the DOW plummets as Coronavirus spooks boomers, October Evans the deaf musician, Shanny for Christ makes history.
Schizo in a Suit
Going to Serbia, a schizophrenic in a suit enjoys a communal vape, Chantal fights back, DSP trolls are mad at me, and my thoughts on CWC drama.
Three Wise Men
Bibi is free, Jordan Peterson gets brain damage, Boogie steps on hamburgers with a pig woman, and three different lawsuit threats come in.
Bankrupt, Divorced, and Institutionalized
I read a lot of legal documents and celebrate white privilege.
Good luck, Wuhan-chan!
Boomer-killing virus takes the 24-hour news cycle by storm, GNOME takes a CoC, Onision drops a baby off a roof, Yaniv bashes the fash, and a 30 minute critical analysis of Boogie telling lies.
Phil goes bankrupt, the curse of Encyclopedia Dramatica claims another admin, Boogie eats a dog.
Gotta get down on Friday. Greasing up my entry to a new timeslot with some quality content. Recapping the Fuentes controversy, recent drama with the #Killstream, I sample some halal meat to fill a void, Steve Horner leaves me some voicemail, and Opie & Anthony ex-fans petition for help.
Stuck in a weird daydream about animatronic pizza mascots, I get really mad on the Internet at the real world and yell so loud about Europe my neighbor rings my doorbell at some point.