A weekly presentation covering what it takes to keep a one-man enterprise online when it makes everyone Mad at the Internet.

Support the podcast on Gumroad!

Watch Live
Tue @ 6pm ET / Midnight EU every week &
Fri @ Noon ET / 6pm EU every week.

t.me/MATIOnAir on Telegram

Watch Video-on-Demand (VOD) Archives
This website maintains an archive but is missing a lot of episodes. There are unofficial archives on YouTube. All platforms I stream on keep archives of recent streams.

Podcast Feed
The podcast feed is now regularly maintained. Backlog is being slowly imported back in.
Direct RSS
On Google Play
On Apple iTunes
On Spotify

Articles & Writing
I am building a Substack and this website has a Writing category.

Contact Me
I can be reached by email at <madattheinternet@protonmail.com>.

Personal Checks, USPS money orders, and letters may be received by mail. Physical gifts may not be held unless they are expected. No suspicious anything will be opened. I do not operate this mailbox.

Mad at the Internet, LLC
PO Box 8158
South Charleston, WV 25303

I do not manage any community besides my forum. I do not participate in any off-site game clan, chat server or channels. This includes IRC, Telegram, Discord, Steam, Matrix, and so on. I would never identify myself to anyone outside of my websites.

Merchandise Help
If you need help with your merchandise order or need to get in touch about a legal issue, please see the Contact Us page.

Monetary Support
Send direct support and receive bonus content on Gumroad.

Paid chat messages read at the end of stream may be sent on Rumble livestreams.

Crypto is worth more than cash to me. Once you’re in the crypto ecosystem, no one can ever take you out. It’s knowledge you possess forever. Anyone can do it, even you.

BTC: bc1qzu0kcjpf98g8ssm8kfr4fz408ulmvr6qqpuknq
ETH & ERC-20: 0x91a73EdcD6A53600504cCc1Ea56F2905158C3A26
XMR: 438fUMciiahbYemDyww6afT1atgqK3tSTX25SEmYknpmenTR6wvXDMeco1ThX2E8gBQgm9eKd1KAtEQvKzNMFrmjJJpiino