Category: Specials
The Under 800,000 Subscriber Special
Jim Sterling celebrates another stunning and brave milestone of 799,000 subscribers – capping off a precipitous decline in engagement, viewership, and subscribers that started the very day he publicly came out as non-binary! Or so he claims.
May’s Next Husbando TIER LIST 😱
Ralph put out a series of Tweets that indicated May was leaving him, so I decided to help May out and go over her options for new men.
Handbook of Hate Memes
The European Union, in collaboration with a suspicious Machine Learning company, puts out a strange reference book to ‘hate memes’ – a loosely defined collection of various images that are purportedly dehumanizing.
Jim Sterling’s Under 900,000 Special
I promised last Friday that if Jim put out a Jimquisition complaining about his subscriber loss that I would do a stream on it. Here it is.
Victory Lap
The corn harvest, Shawty’s adventures on Tinder, remembering Terry Davis.
The Corn Harvest
Ade on Ethan Ralph’s Revenge Porn. ft. Ethan’s ex Ade, her friend Shanon, Josh, PPP, Kraut, Wild Smile, with appearances from King of /pol/ and Mundane Matt. Originally aired on PPP’s Dlive channel on August 11th, 2020.
Midnight Mad (March 9th and 11th)
I did two streams on March 9th and March 11th, 2020 which I will not be uploading to the podcast feed. To prevent a total loss, I will be uploading it here for my local newprojecttwotrons.
Art Stream
A cursory glance into some recent happenings. No overarching theme, a lot of stories and meandering.