Category: Weekly Edition
Charity Goblins
Linus gets hijacked, reddit crashes thanks to wokeness /s, Trump calls on a bunch of political prisoners to help him, the banks collapse (I would why?), the Sharty Victory, dating profiles, and a very special Charity Goblin.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day and TAD! The long arm of Florida boomer justice, Jordan Peenerson’s twitter troubles, Ethan Klein’s system test, 365 days a man in a dress, Pamperchu’s Telegram chats, Chantal the Hut, Ralph files pro se, and the DarksydePhil interview on SideScrollers.
Dot Lol
Carrying water for monkeys, Pyramid head is literally me, Destiny’s debate strategies, Chudbuds gets hacked, Ralph slams bars and dispenses justice, and I reach out with love in my heart for my fellow man.
Scott Adams wants to move away from Honey Boo Boo’s boyfriend, the TTD battlefield encroaches on Kentucky and Japan, and Amanda Ralph of the #Neighstream.
A Day to Remember
February 24th is apparently an anniversary for many important events, so those of us without wet brains gather round to enjoy.
Johm Potter and the Felted Horse Bride
Since last week was a special, this week includes a double-week lookback going over the Harry Potter outrage, some recent incarcerations and the struggles of pig-horse relations.
Dancing Monkeys
Ukrainian history, Redit history, hackers, dancing monkeys, the demise of Alpachua, and more.
One Monkey, No Stop, No Show
Keemstar’s forgiveness, prosthetics for children, Canada’s medical policy, a statue for MLK, RALPHAMANIA!, and Peetz’s Islamic loophole.
A Couple Questions
MotherJones’s questions, You will never be a wizard, the Unicorp, Jim’s potatoes, Baked’s sentence, Dylan’s face, PaulyFrog’s FBI visit, Ralph’s wedding, and Peetz’s cat.