Category: Podcast
An Ugly and Ineffective Tactic
Trouble in Hell (England), Google and Microsoft have problems, the murder of every video game I’ve ever played, structural beards, the groyper wars, and Rekieta’s ugly and ineffective tactic.
the good ol days
Susan Wojcicki is dead (good), Happy Valley Goose Bay, DDoS attacks, national IDs, the trannocracy, argh shiver me timbers, the Tomlinson Files, 6 years without Terry Davis, FurAffinity’s bill, the Ghost and the Brony, GamerGate and Deagle Nation, Fox9, and Bossman’s spaghetti.
>implying implications
The Anglo problem spirals, Reddit and Roblox want more money, Dragoneer DIES, a Game of Thornes, Acerthorne gets impatient, Bossman triumphs over femoids, Ralph’s catboy lament, and Nick Rekieta implies implications.
King and Country
Ingerlan for angloids, Dragoneer’s health, props to us, Paul v. Coffeezilla, DSP’s computer, petitioning for Rekieta omnibus footage, and Ralph’s big adventure.
Sucks to Suck
EBT outages, Second Wind management, Keffals quits 5eva, Brianna Wu is going to personally end Tipster’s entire career, Mr. Beast learns it sucks to suck, MoistCritical gets a full-throated defense for full-throating, Mr. X gets annoyed, Cobes is a single pringle, Muhamamdeens, and Rekita’s House.
Quick covering copyright, sneeding, punching left, lesbian dating, and rushing out comic books.
French engage in a moderate amount of trolling, IRL DRM, Google’s monopoly, Cloudflare’s NS, Transfolx versus BIWOC, Transfolx versus a billion dollar media empire, a nice shoutout, Shadman’s sponsors, the Boogie/Keem/Jim problem, and Ralph’s latest writing.
Told Ya So
Divinely ordained lolcow discussion, Ruben Sim’s interview, Biden’s dropout, British George Floyd, Jewish George Floyd, Ava Chris Tyson, Elon’s lost son, fat people, Boogie sucks, a world of t-shirts, Ralph’s Aryan blood, and Destiny’s cooked.
Dear Johm
CrowdStrike’s strongest H-1B visa, the ethics of revenge, Goonshin Impact protests, violating the ADA, Keffals eating used fish and chips, Chantal’s problems, mainstream markyposting, and Ethan Ralph writes his Dear Johm.
Donald Trump lost an ear, a Black king loses his job, Lilith Lovett is concerned about Project 2025, Brad Taste in writing an apology letter, Wing’s predilections, and Ralph gets cranked up.