Category: Podcast
Bibi’s Revenge
Xpert is tired of the “I am a Jew” thing, an LA Based Comedian tempts fate, a TX Based Lawyer tempts fate, some boomer cries about KF to Chris Hansen, and the master race gets subverted by a door.
Small Defiances
8chan is dead, a ghost of IRL livestreaming haunts my psyche, a game developer states a fact, and a man gets a inmate kippah.
Google wins a lawsuit, Israeli elections, Greta takes over the world, Trump gets peach’d, Alex Jones files a lawsuit, Scott Adams threatens to file a lawsuit, MundaneMatt is not the father, and I get a shoutout.
A week after the hack, /pol/ underestimates the Chinese, RMS is gone, Amberlynn eats a chicken, Virgo eats raw scallops
France, FBI, Forensics, and F
Sleeping Frogs, Maddox lets me down, TYT talks to Brianna Wu, Goku has choice words for Gohan, Verizon respects my webzone, Lowtax shouts us out, an FBI report, a Private Investigator report + phone call, and closing words on Zoe Quinn.
Writ of Something-or-Other
Mountain Jews go to the Supreme Court over me, reading fanmail, Ron Toye will chop your dog, and Maddox teases a video.
Bacon Satellites
MDE SHOULD HIRE ME, Monkey sex tapes, Blaire White does an oopsie (for attention), Donald Trump is the King of Israel, and Lee cooks a Bacon Satellite.