Category: Podcast
Party Crashing
Kiwi Farms takes a tumble, party crashing Trovo, Baked Alaska fakes his death, Chantal complicates eating a tin of icing.
My Psychological Addiction to Twitter
I recount some fun adventures on Twitter and the psychological harm it’s done to me as a result. Styx, the anime avatars, Dream, and CallMeCarson get recapped.
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Saggy gets scuffed, Chantal gets beetus, Apollo Legend chop sueys, a meth ho gets evicted, speedrunners suck, and a brief word about future plans for the site.
Comptroller of Gunt
Something no one has heard of before (the Comptroller of Currency) is the MVP in the US Government right now. Ralph takes the L. Jim Sterling takes the HRT. New illness called Florian syndrome causes arson. Bob McKim preaches the virtues of metal rooves.
Unlawful Discharge of Gas
Baked Alaska gets arrested for spraying some dude in the face, Ralph’s baby momma drama, a game by Poolish people comes out, and my favorite fats die slowly.
Raining on your Macy’s Day Parade, how to appeal your ban in a video game, Amberlynn gets canceled (not really), a long-shot theory, and Capcom DMCAs some pretty internal documents.