Category: Podcast
One of the Good Ones
Centralized services pay protection money, looking at Odysee, DSP bullies a janny, a Milwaukee TP+ advocate gets creamed, Lilith Lovett is one of the good ones, Dankula has a daughter, and Chantal makes a difficult choice.
I’m Super, Thanks for Asking
Jewish trivia, making powerful enemies, hyper inflation, super straight, Gab gets hacked, Fuentes wants a catboy and women want children.
We finna melt snow, talk about bombing Syrian children, win lawsuits, assign diaperfurs their cell, and leave the US.
God F’n Sneed
A return to normal, the Fuentes question, Razorfist shows off his based mestiza mommy, OnlyFats, and we #FindSai.
Year of the Cow
An extended edition MATI episode in celebration of the Chinese New Year. Gropyer glow ops, Ralph designs a shirt, Fallout: The Frontier drama, Chantal’s surprise, Nikocado makes me laugh for the first time, Shawty makes a black guy pay the toll.
A Great Speech Minstrel Show
Cat says meow, my rocket explodes, a man pays his toll, and team of people responsible for copy+pasting things falls apart.
Tendies and Wigs
The Big Short Squeeze, GamerGate 2.0, Shoe0nhead gets Kingfished, Jim Sterling becomes an NB Kween, and Chantal eats intuitively.
Little Dark Age
The world returns to its normal ethical and moral political stagnation, so I delve into some more mainstream e-drama to cope. June gets spit on, Corpse Husband invents grumble rap, Chantal is fat, Peetz is writing xman surprise sex fanfics, and an intro to Frenemies.
Party Crashing
Kiwi Farms takes a tumble, party crashing Trovo, Baked Alaska fakes his death, Chantal complicates eating a tin of icing.
My Psychological Addiction to Twitter
I recount some fun adventures on Twitter and the psychological harm it’s done to me as a result. Styx, the anime avatars, Dream, and CallMeCarson get recapped.