Category: Podcast
I have a very bad time trying to have fun on the Internet, then convert to Islam with the new Alex Jones Islam Conversion Kit.
Dissociative, Money, Copyright, Achoo
A woman appeals to my tribal sensibilities, several alters in a very fat system are mad at me, iDubbbz and Anisa are mad at me, and I break into the rap game. Nice show.
Can’t Get it Up
Having trouble on the Internet. Discussing new cucks and old cucks alike. Bombing the #Killstream.
Low Information Voter Monday
An impromptu stream about alcoholism, Section 230, the Democratic Primary debate, religion, philosophy, and the Chinese Virus.
Banned from the US for Thinking about the N Word Too Much
Meeting Shanny for Christ, preparing for the worst, getting locked out of the US, and a primer on why the only person worse than idubbbz is Venti.
Midnight Mad (March 9th and 11th)
I did two streams on March 9th and March 11th, 2020 which I will not be uploading to the podcast feed. To prevent a total loss, I will be uploading it here for my local newprojecttwotrons.
A lot of mail, government-sponsored genital mutilating microwave attacks, and some cooking – live from Serbia.
Illegal in the Philippines
Committing cyberslaunder, the DOW plummets as Coronavirus spooks boomers, October Evans the deaf musician, Shanny for Christ makes history.