
This website and the RSS feed are missing huge numbers of episodes in 2023 and 2024. After the deplatforming drama, I fell out of practice of getting archives out. Rumble and Odysee have most episodes.

March 2025
  • MrsTonedOne
    Ceiling birds and tax accountants, soydevs at a crossroads, infiltrating a far-right party, Mrs. Kaczynski, MrsTonedOne repents, Chris’s 43rd birthday, Pirate_Software stays losing, Mr. Vickers sustains an injury to the central nervous system, and Destiny makes bad penis decisions. Intro: Bãtutã din Moldova – Fanfare Vagabontuhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YaOTmeecY-s Outro: Lights On Me – Devil Makes Threehttps://thedevilmakesthree.bandcamp.com/album/spirits
  • wasn’t me
    Deportation ASMR, GSA purge, the End of Ziz, Chibi hits his girlfriend with a rake, BradTaste actually likes a good song, Austin cooks a steak, Coomalot’s crash, and Destiny didn’t do it. BradTaste: Lunacy – Swanshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WG64Ju6_7vo Outro: Straight and Narrow – Sam Barberhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqomAmZsbHM
  • The KingRaven Episode
    Practical idealism, Sneed, PlayStation helps collapse the game industry, EFF loses the plot, nobody likes the troons, Anisa’s TikTok, $1000, Jackie is racist, Ethan’s housekeeper, and KingRaven.
  • Blame Canada
    Blama Canada, the game industry crash, DOGE’s dogpile, the total eradication of troonology, Hector Martin vs. Linus, Tipster quits, Marty vs. Fent, Hasan vs. Klein, some guy called Austin, and WOOOOOOOOOOOOAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.
  • Old Timeslots Die Hard
    The endless winning of orange man, troons reeling, troon AI death cult, Crowder loses, Creator Clash 3 announced, Fuentes and Marxists, Fuentes and gay relationship drama, Path’s bankruptcy, the most mysterious man from Utah, other than honorable, La Cucaracha and the DMCA dance, r/FedNews, and I lose out on gold coins.